Located 20 km from Geneva, Nyon is not only a beautiful little town on the lake! In its immediate surroundings, there are prehistoric remains, and in Roman times, Nyon was the capital of the Colonia Equestris. Stone blocks that were used to build the various fortifications of the region, including those of Geneva, were taken from the Roman monuments.
We will be able to see the magnificent castle, dating from the 15th century, which houses the historical museum of Nyon. Outside, we will cross a beautiful garden planted with fruit trees and flowers to reach the terrace, where a splendid view of the lake and the Vaud and French pre-Alps on the other side of the lake awaits us.
From Geneva, we reach Nyon in 15 minutes by train and we return quietly by boat (duration: 1 hour).
Source: Nyon Région Tourisme
We can also cross the lake and visit the walled city of Yvoire in France.
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